Pat & I grew closer as the years went by. I can't count the times we have giggled together over the most unlikeliest of things like school-kids.I miss our Sunday phone marathons ( & all the times she would phone as soon as Trevor had gone out so we could have a mega anti-men moan), or when we got shouted at by Mum because myself & my girls had gone to visit her, & we ended up in the kitchen nattering while Mum was in the living room. I miss so much about Pat & I haven't got the space here to say it.I know she doesn't approve of sentimentality just for the sake of it, & I'm sure she's waiting somewhere to say "P*** Off",but I'm also sure she's with us somewhere to make sure we all toe the line, & don't get too muadlin-you know Pat---she liked a good laugh!!! Love Joan